How do I cook my jarva cake without a microwave?
All you need to do is add water, mix, transfer into a souffle or oven safe cup, and bake approx. 10 minutes @ 375 degrees. Be careful not to overcook- the center should be soft, not dry.
what is the calorie count?
We have developed a delicious mix that is about 360 calories. See bottom of ripple cups FMI nutritional info.
Do you do wedding and
party favors?
Yes! We love to personalize jarva cakes to fit any party favor needs. Contact us for more information regarding style, name, date, and flavors!
How do i pay without a paypal account?
Payment is processed by PayPal however you DO NOT need to have a PayPal account to place your order. After step 3 you will be sent to a page to either sign in to your PayPal account or (right below sign in) you can click on link : "Don't have a PayPal account? Pay with a debit/credit card or PayPal Credit."
How do I become a wholesale account?
If you have any questions about becoming part of our Jarva Cakes wholesale team, please contact us for a wholesale information packet.